Thursday, December 17, 2009
A Love Transmission
like the feeling that i feel when you look me in my eyes
how you dont have to touch or feel me to get me hypnotized
how your scent and your Godliness keeps me mesmerized
cuz i asked the UNIverse to bring me something special something new
so give thanks to mama earth for bringin me to you
for bringing you closer to my womb sparkin flames thru my fire
see i was very specific on my wants needs and desires
so let's take this moment walk hand in hand and never ever wonder
and create grow love and let no man put asunder.
Love n Light to the Original Earth Families
A Noble Empress [:azalee mansa mikaili rayn :el]
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Spiritually Subconscious Orgasmic OBE
We met one night in the subconscious cafe where everything you touched, tasted(hmm), and heard was real and errrythang righteous and exact. Where the sounds of Bob Marley rang loud in the streets of gold n silver. Where Ganja was the meat of the day for the soul. Where U N I connected on all levels of the emotional, physical, spiritual and cosmic realms.
We wined, dined and mesmerized each others miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind baaaaaaaaaaaaaby...Whooooo
We had no sense or track of time cuz at that moment it didn't and never existed. Anything that decided that it was okay to interfere in this moment would be NU SHIT to us becaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuse we were so spiritually and chemically enraptured that, nothing, not a dam thang existed around our circle but us!! Because we generated so much positive and loving NRG that we began to create and manifest this force field that could no other mutha fucca pierce or destroy. Whooooooooooooooo!!!
baaaaaaaby im on a roll, somebody please help me stop me. Whooo!!!
2 B continued.................
DA Empress Azalee
Thursday, October 1, 2009
We not asking for your permission to start the revolution cuz that's not our only solution to all of your pollution you've spread thru out the nation.
We not asking for your hand-outs or your hand me downs, cuz thats not how we niggaz gets down.
We not asking for your rescue to undue the thousand year itch you caused on this bitch, uh uh no we not asking.
See because of who we are and what we are, we don't need permission for shit. We Just Due!!
See because we gave you permission and a chance to correct your mistakes that you thought we blindly 4 got, uh uh no we never 4 get, especially not yo shit.
So what it was and what it is, is, that you forgot who you were. Cave-dwellin-Dog-Smellin-
Reptilian-lookin, need i go on?
So until further NOTICE you do not have permission to do shit but quit and deal with your losses, pack ya bags, drag ya women by the hair, get back on all fours, and carry that ass back to the dark holes we rescued u from, cuz we iz done.
No need to sign the contract for its null and void. No need to be put on NOTICE OR ALERT cuz it will be denied.
Denied, Denied, Objection, Denied. If time ever existed then by the looks of the fucking clock your times up. Tick Tick Tick KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!
written whilst havin a mugwort experience.
by: [:azalee mansa mikaili rayn Family of El]
Friday, July 31, 2009
Menstruation is not a normal female process. It has been proven that women on a vegetarian diet have much less blood loss during the menstruation period. High heel shoes can cause unnecessary stresses on a woman's back, hips, toes, ankles, knees and uterus. We have all noticed the bond between the mother and the child. This natural bond is due to the fact that the Woman brings SPIRITUALITY and LOVE to this world. These are the first and main things that should be taught to a child. Women have various qualities that make them a higher evolved being than their male counterpart, such as an extra "X" chromosome which boost their immune systems, and many other qualities. I feel that a woman is given these qualities to assure that the human race does not die out and that there is always SPIRITUALITY and LOVE on this Earth. In some ancient writings it was said that Women were stronger than men and fought in wars with the men. Women had more freedoms in ancient times than today. Women and Men were equals in ancient times. <-------so what da hell happened? I am just as strong if not stronger than any man will ever be. peace n light [:azalee mansa mikaili rayn :el]
The Knowledge WithIn You
The African American and all other African descendants around the world must give up their feelings of inferiority and return to a higher state of being as their Egyptian ancestors had obtained. We must realize that all this knowledge of the mystery system was past on to us through our genetics, if only we would put our minds in the correct mental state to extract and use the knowledge within us all.
The present economic system was created to keep one group of people in power and to stop others from advancing. We must realize that the Creator(God=US), not the present system of things, is the HIGHEST POWER IN THIS UNIVERSE.
and now let da chu'ch say AaaaahWombMan and Aaaaahman!!!
peace n light
[:azalee mansa mikaili rayn :el]
Friday, July 17, 2009
Free Spirit
Free Spirit (n)- One who is not restrained, as by convention or obligation; a nonconformist.
" Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose, Nothin', don't mean nothin', hon', if it ain't free" Janis Joplin
"Free Spirit"
By Amber "V" Moonstone 8/25/08
Down the long and winding road of life's highway, one must travel over all the hills and valleys to arrive at your final destination.
That is where this story takes place, at the final destination.
It is a very dark and lonely place, this final destination. The people are crying and praying for my soul to go to heaven. Why would I want my soul to go to heaven, when it can stay right here and still live on?
Does anyone know what happens to your soul when you have reached your final destination? It lives on, it travels on a new journey toward a renewed destination. Fulfilling manifestations and intentions that were not achieved in the physical world.
As I listen to the sound of the earthly, living, I am amused at how peaceful and beautiful it is now. Nothing hurts, nothing matters and nothing is all that ever mattered. I am floating, like a free bird soaring above the tree tops, traveling without a care in the world. Oh, do not be sad over my earthly death, for now I have the freedom and ability to really soar and live like my soul was destined to live.
I have traveled now, to all the places I could not physically go: The Egyptian Pryamids, the Nile River with all it's curves and exotic creatures, the Volcanoes, and Roman Colosseum in Italy, The Great Wall of China, Petra in Jordan, Brazil's statue of Christ the Redeemer, Peru's Machu Picchu, Mexico's Chichen Itza pyramid, India's Taj Mahal.
Freedom through soul energy and flight, make experiencing all the wonders of the Earth as easy as going to sleep. Somehow, in this state of existence, it is much more enjoyable and meaningful.
Never feel sad when a loved one passes on to the other side, just know in your mind and feel it in your heart that they are definitely in a better place than in the physical world.
I have seen many souls that are lost and unable to freely fulfill their destiny. These are the souls that were so lost during their physical existence. They need to find that true light, and become a free spirit of the after world.
I have always felt the "free spirit" feeling, whether in the Earth body, or now as a spirit in the spirit world. The term "free spirit" is exactly what it says, to feel free in spirit and live as if nothing matters.
Do not cry for me, for I am a "Free Spirit".
Amber "V" Moonstone
Monday, July 13, 2009
Damn Y'all Feel That?
She was driving in her car on her way to a family gathering while listening to track number 9. No radio freakquennnnnncz up in here. As She is coasting down the road she notices an elder with a sign that says, "homeless, unemployed, wife and 3 children." As the tears in her eyez began to well up she fought them back like a soldier on the front line. As the elder approached the car she didn't even second guess what she was about to do. She reached deep into her purse and without question to the elder she provided him with some money. "You be careful out here on the highway brother," she said. "I will sister and thank you so much I appreciate it." As she pulled away from the elder she notices in her rear view that the cars behind her were all doing the same thing, giving the elder some money. The smile on her face could light a Nation and the warmth she felt in her heart could comfort all the children in the world. As she drove out of the elders sight, the thought of him and the others remained in her mind. Just think that elder on the side of the road with the raggedy clothes and huge ass sign could have been her or anyone in her family or any of her friends. The thought of someone not having a meal everyday, not being able to provide for his or her family, not being able to put food on the table for the children is utterly ridiculous. Some may say that she shouldn't have given him a dime cuz that's only enabling him to get off his ass and take care of himself. The thought never crossed her mind. All she saw was a God on the side of the road needing assistance. She saw herself in him and at that very moment she knew how he must have felt. At the end of the day her spirit will rest easy and her blessings will be enumerable.
Peace n Light
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Have You Ever Wondered?
Have you ever wondered how life would be with no te(lie)vision or radio? Have you ever wondered how life would be with no billz piled up on the table or a mailbox full of bullshit? Have you ever wondered what pure air feels and smells like? Have you ever wondered what good pure healthy live food taste like? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wake up to sunshine everyday? Have you ever wondered what its like to have fresh flowers growing on the inside of your home chemical free? Have you ever wondered what good water taste like and feel like running down your back in the shower?
Well, I have. And to sum all the answers to the above questions in one I will just supply you with some pictures, because a picture is worth a thousand words. I am not there yet but i will be, it is in the air.
peace n light to all my beloved spiritual soldiers on the front lines fighting for Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and most of all Justice.
PS. The following pictures are vital structures to our Universe. These are self sustainable homes that will allow you to be free from the water bill, light bill, etc...Enjoy.
A Fresh Start
Greetings 2 all!!! When times are tough or present a challenge it is our destiny to go thru these challenges in order to prosper. Now how you choose to go thru these things is the key. You can either sit back and let shit happen or you can be the shit that makes things happen. For the longest i was the one sitting back and letting shit happen, but no longer, I will be the shit that makes shit happen. So i guess this day as i type is a fresh start. I am allowed a fresh start, I am allowed to rest and relax when i so choose or see fit. I am allowed to be tired, cranky, bitchy and moody. These are the times I choose to stay to myself until the air is clear and my vibrations are back on point. Cuz if they are not then its not a good idea for me to bring that shit to anyone else, so I stay clear.
I would like to be remembered in a positive light and nothing else. I would like my spirit to be remembered as Godly not negatively. So to all my sisters out there feeling overwhelmed and the weight of the world is on ya shoulders, well no worries my beloveds we were built for this shit, and its okay to be tired, as long as you get rest and get back up again. It's okay to cry, as long as you dry your tears and keep it moving. It's okay to have feelings of giving up, as long as you don't and know that you have a purpose in this whole scheme of things. It's okay.
This is my fresh start to living. What's yours?